Sunday, January 27, 2013



CITY OF DREAMS! by fardinans featuring beach hats

I'm in mood having some holidays. Waiting the right time to the right place with the right people.
just wait, and see - also pray :)

*PS: so sorry i haven't post my outfit recently. next time i will, insha allah..

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Danbo's life: PROCESS

too much questions around my mind

sometimes i just can't understand...

why it could be like this.. that..

i walked to somewhere place

trying to find the answer. the enlightenment.

in my deepest heart, i actually hope..

maybe, it's just the way to a right path.
because they said,
life is a process.

and i'm trying to close to You

hear me, God..

*words and pictures created by me

Thursday, January 24, 2013



ARE YOU READY? by fardinans featuring flat hats

Being woman is good. I'm so thankful being a woman, you know why? because sometimes when i'm bored dressed girly, i can change my clothes and look like a boy. And it's okay to look like a boy. It's cool, isn't it?

By the way, It is 1:18 am but i still can't sleep. When i'm free, i usually sleep after subuh. When I have class, I also sleep near subuh -_-  I always have something to do at night, or at least something to think. I hate my bad habit but I just can't help this. So envy all the people who sleep on time and wake up in the morning. Bcs for me, morning is my midnight. heeelp!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



"You say you love rain, but you wear umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun but you seek shade when it's shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your window. So that's why i'm scared when you say you love me." - Bob Marley

How's your day dear? I have alot of free time this month because it's a holiday semester. yeaay! But as we know Indonesia is in rainy season now. So, mostly I stay at home. 

This set maybe doesn't really suit the heavy rain nowadays. But i just love the colors. Pastel and vintage are always my favorite.

Take care ;)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2012: Pictures and Moments

sekali-kali coba ke pulau tidung pas weekdays, serasa pantai milik sendiri!

another side in pulau tidung

backpacking bareng temen2 ke solo naik kereta ekonomi, ternyata seru dan gak seseram yang dibayangkan :D

when your family dont have many times to go refreshing, go to puncak!

meskipun harus 6 jam perjanalan dari jogja, pantai sundak ini worth to visit banget

singapura: tertib, bersih, nyaman dan selalu pengen balik

batik madura, i took this picture when my mom was so busy choosing the batik

Kuala Lumpur: murah, makanannya enak, dekat, dan jangan lupa mampir ke Berjaya Times Square buat belanja, dijamin kalap :p

Sunday, January 20, 2013

De Saung dan Pura di Kaki Gunung Salak

Minggu lalu, saya bersama kedua teman saya photo session jalan-jalan ke bogor. Bukan sop buah pak ewok atau wisata kuliner sejenis di sekitarnya. Bukan pula Kebun Raya Bogor. Tapi kali ini, kami pergi ke De Saung: restoran bersaung dengan pemandangan puncak, setelah itu mampir ke Pura Jagatkartha yang terletak di kaki gunung salak. Wohooo

welcome to De Saung

viewnya baguuus

nasi putih - kangkung tumis - colenak - cilok - iga bakar - es teh manis

 view dari depan saung kami

saung lainnya yang berpencar

pemandangan lainnya

sawah di samping de saung

melanjutkan perjalanan...

pemandangan sekitar

de saung dari samping

pura jagatkartha di kaki gunung salak

psttt ada yg sedang berdoa..

pemandangan dari pura


Restoran de saung dan pura ini letaknya agak terpencil, bukan di depan jalan ramai. Pada awal kami datang masih sepi, tapi lama-lama ternyata ramai juga entah darimana datangnya sampe jadi ga enak mau foto-foto :p  Btw makanan dan harganya lumayan ya, tapi emang suasananya asik bangeet buat nyantai dan foto-foto.

Begitu sampai di pura ini, kita diharuskan memakai kain yang dililitkan di pinggang. Bagi yang menggunakan bawahan pendek, kita juga harus pakai sarung penutup, kayak yang dipakai seorang teman saya ini. Dan bagi perempuan berhalangan tidak diperbolehkan untuk masuk. Dan begitu sampai di tangga2 menuju ke atas, kami dipersilahkan untuk melepas sendal, jadilah kami berkeliling pura ini tanpa alas kaki :D

Untuk menuju pura di kaki gunung salak ini, jalan kedalamnya lumayan jauh, dengan permukaan jalanan yang naik turun. Karena dari pura ini pulangnya saya naik ojek dan melewati banyak turunan, rasanya semacam naik jet coaster hahaha -_-

kesimpulan: kedua tempat ini recomended untuk dikunjungin!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012: Lesson learned

My lesson learned based on my life in 2012

Learn to be flexible. But sometimes, it;s okay to have argue because everybody has their own character.

Be careful with your words. your enemy may be your best friend, one day.

Miracle exists. but not everytime. If it happens everytime, then it's not miracle. So you have to take it when it's not your turn to get miracle. Just be patient and take it slow.

Don't be too much in everything. Just don't. You will regret then.

Remember how many times you fell through the bad times. And you're still alive. God is not good. Good is Great!

Use your unconscious mind wisely. If you think you're not deserve, then your are.